Commitment 2 Character Awards

Commitment to Character is a district wide model for character education. The goal is to promote self-motivation, honesty, respect, and responsibility. Every month there is a different virtue that is highlighted. The teachers then nominate one student per class per month who exemplifies that character trait. The students are then announced during the C2C assembly once a month. Please refer to the calendar in the newsletter for exact dates. The awards are a surprise and the names are not released prior to the announcement. Students will receive recognition for this award at the event.

Ask your student about the C2C Pledge:
I pledge myself to C2C Respect, Responsibility, Honesty, Self-Motivation too, I do these things in all I do.

Names of the students who earned honor roll, Principals list, and perfect attendance will be announced at the event.
These students will be invited to sign their name on the ‘wall of fame’.

August- Respect
-Treating yourself and others with courtesy and consideration.
September- Responsibility
-Doing your best and taking ownership for your words and actions.
October- Cooperation
-Getting along with others and working together to accomplish a goal.
November- Citizenship
-Being law abiding and involved in service to school, community and country.
December- Kindness
-Being nice and considerate toward others.
January- Self-Motivation
-Working in a careful and consistent manner without giving up.
February- Tolerance
-Respecting the individual differences, views, and beliefs of other people.
March- Honesty
-Using truthful speech and behavior.
April- Self-Control
-Managing your emotions and choosing acceptable behavior.
May- Caring
-Being kind, friendly, considerate and willing to listen, give, and share.
June- Courage
-Being brave in difficult situations, challenging yourself.
July- Patriotism
-Demonstrating allegiance to one’s country